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Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

An additional assessment to help you be your nutritional and physical best.

This test is for you, if you have any of these:

How do mineral imbalances affect your hormones and fertility? 

Minerals are needed for hundreds of chemical reactions taking place every minute in your body. Without them, those processes are slower or stop altogether. Your body then struggles and has to use backup systems to keep things working. This is when symptoms and hormone problems begin. 

A hair tissue mineral analysis can reveal which minerals are out-of-balance, which body systems are struggling, and give direction on how to start rebalancing the body. 

Thyroid problems  

Thyroid imbalances are one of the most common causes of fertility problems and to problems carrying a baby full term. Some women may have little to no symptoms of thyroid problems. An HTMA can show if there are possibly hidden thyroid issues. 

  • Calcium to Potassium ratio – is related to thyroid function. Calcium and potassium play a pivotal role in regulating thyroid activity. This ratio can show how effectively the thyroid hormone you are making is getting into the cells. 
  • Sodium and potassium are needed by the cells to move thyroid hormones and other chemicals into and out of the cells. If your cells can’t absorb the thyroid hormones you are producing, then those hormones can’t do their job. You may have lots of extra hormones running around because they can’t get into the cells. 

PCOS-Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 

PCOS is an indicator of underlying hormone imbalances, including insulin imbalances. 

How can mineral analysis help with PCOS? 

  • Copper imbalance can lead to PMS, endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, estrogen dominance, miscarriages, morning sickness, postpartum depression, and infertility  
  • Zinc is involved in the production, storage and secretion of insulin and is necessary for growth hormones. If you are low in zinc, this will affect blood sugar regulation and weight loss. 
  • Sodium and potassium are needed by the cells to move thyroid hormones and other chemicals into and out of the cells. If your cells can’t absorb the thyroid hormones you are producing, then those hormones can’t do their job. You may have lots of extra hormones running around because they can’t get into the cells. 


Endometriosis is a sign of high inflammation levels in the body. This will lead to adrenal problems and will show up on a mineral test. If it is from digestive problems, there will be specific minerals out of balance.  

  • Copper imbalance can lead to PMS, endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, estrogen dominance, miscarriages, morning sickness, postpartum depression, and infertility 
  • Zinc is needed for digestion. Your body can’t make stomach acid without it. It is also needed to make digestive enzymes. Poor digestion is the start of inflammation for many people. 
  • Inflammation will affect the adrenals. Your sodium/magnesium ratio will give us an indication of how bad the stress is and what we need to do to start repairing the damage from the inflammation. 

Male Infertility 

Male Infertility is often caused by sperm that are damaged or that have not developed properly. Low testosterone can cause low sperm levels too.

  • Zinc is crucial for healthy sperm. It is a main component in semen and it is used to protect the sperm while they mature. (Did you know it takes almost 3 months for sperm to mature!)
  • Magnesium is needed for proper blood sugar regulation. If blood sugar regulation is poor, this can lead to poor circulation in the testicles and penis, leading to problems creating sperm and having an erection.
  • Calcium and sodium are needed for sperm motility
  • and more

** This test also screens for toxic metals. Metals like mercury can be very harmful to our health and fertility.

This test can also help us to design a nutrition protocol that will jumpstart your fertility and get you on the road to being pregnant.

The information in this test also helps us

  • determine ideal ratios of fats, protein and carbohydrates in your meals,
  • see if your hormone systems are struggling,
  • mineral deficiencies or overload,
  • and high levels of toxic metals.

How do we do the test?

It’s pretty easy.

This is a non-invasive test using a hair sample. 

  1. First we send you a test kit and instructions. (a form, a couple envelopes and a video how to)
  2. Then you take your sample and mail it in.
  3. We receive and review your test results and incorporate it into your Nutritional Protocol.

If you feel like you have tried everything and the tests the doctor runs for your yearly physical don’t actually help, then this test is a perfect next step.

What others are saying about the test...

“This test made a huge difference in my energy levels but only when I actually consistently stuck with my practitioner’s recommendation. (I’m pretty bad at following directions.) I had felt dragging and have had poor energy levels for many years. Having two kids and undiagnosed gluten sensitivity really did a number on my nutritional status and even though I was eating much better, I still didn’t feel really great. I also have struggled with thyroid issues but my doctor has that well managed through nutrition so I was looking for some other test that would show me why I felt so bad. Well, this was it. I was super low in the top four (Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium). My practitioner said if we worked on these I would start to feel better. I now have energy to do things I didn’t. I have a busy life with my two kids and I’m able to finally devote some time to my business.”

How to order the test

See our booking page for available packages and services that include the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA).

Set up a 30 minute discovery call with us! We can to get to know each other, ask questions and see if we’re the right fit to work together in one of our fertility focused programs.