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Individual Consults

Functional Nutritional Therapy is an opportunity to dig down into the root causes of your fertility issues. We then start unraveling and repairing the issues that have led to you here.

We have two goals when we start. The first is to first provide symptom relief if you are experiencing symptoms like painful periods. The second is to improve your fertility. 

This could be through making some diet changes or with supplements. While we do that, we also look at the big picture and focus on finding the root cause of your fertility and health issues.

We will discuss options for changing your diet and lifestyle based on your goals.

What it looks like to work together


We gather a full health history through these tools:

  • Initial Client Intake-which includes learning more about your fertility and health goals and a full health history
  • Nutritional questionnaire that analyzes your symptoms
  • 3 day Food Journal

You have the option of running some testing before our consult as well, such as the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

From this pre-work, we start to get a picture of what is happening. This will help us determine a working plan for you!

The Consult

We meet by video meeting. This is usually two 60 minute visits, a couple weeks apart.

The first visit:
  • We will discuss any questions that came up from your pre-work and make sure we understand we are on the same page.
  • Discuss your needs and goals
  • Choose easy actionable changes to start-this might include diet recommendation along with recipes
  • Education/Handouts
The second visit:
  • Review action items from the first visit
  • Work together to create working nutrition protocol (plan)

It’s also really important to report back with any changes or questions.


These are usually 30 or 60 minute video meetings.

These visits are to adjust your plan. 

  • Is it working for you? 
  • Do we need to change anything?
  • Do you need new ideas?


We usually request a new food journal so that we can look for patterns that indicate food sensitivities or other digestive issues.


We are hoping that you gain so much knowledge and success that you no longer need our services. That is truly our ultimate goal. 

But, if you do need us, we are here. 

We offer a variety of packages and services. Most of our work is structured with an initial appointment and followups.

What is Functional Nutritional Therapy

Functional nutritional therapy is a natural approach to health and wellness based on scientific medical research. Functional nutritional therapy is based upon the fundamental truth that when the body is provided with the essential building blocks of sufficient, appropriate nutrients- those that are attained through a nutrient-dense, properly prepared, real, whole foods diet- that it will balance itself.

Recognizing that the body was designed to regenerate, optimal health is promoted through carefully designed bio-individual dietary, lifestyle and supplementation protocols, along with recommendations for adequate amounts of hydration, stress management, rest and other critical supporting factors. The type of lifestyle you lead, your habits, health history and genetics or ancestry is also taken into consideration.

Though each of us is unique, these foundations apply to everyone. These foundations are the cornerstones of Nutritional Therapy. Optimal Health is built on certain biochemical foundations:

  1. Digestion
  2. Healthy Blood Sugar Regulation
  3. Mineral Balance
  4. Appropriate Fatty Acid Balance
  5. Adequate Hydration

A properly prepared, nutrient-dense diet of real, whole foods provides the ultimate foundation leading to optimal health.

More than just treating symptoms or masking them with drugs, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioners help to restore homeostasis or balance to the body, thus improving overall health.  Working with a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner empowers you to make better choices with your diet and lifestyle to reach optimal health.